Film Clip Act 3 Scenes 1-3

To ease us into the reading of Shakespeare, I encourage you to watch the clip before reading the corresponding scene(s) in Romeo and Juliet. Watching the film clips is option, but after all, Shakespeare's plays were meant to be seen!

Nonetheless, we are also studying this play as literature, so make sure you read it, too. Assessments will expect you to know the text, and Discussion Boards will expect you to utilize the text.

Act 3, Scene 1

Act 3, Scenes 1 - 3 (the clip cuts my favorite portion of 3.2 -- Juliet's monologue about her coming wedding night! -- and cuts back and forth between 3.1 and 3.2. Director's artistic license, I guess!)

Last modified: Tuesday, June 21, 2011, 11:59 AM