First, check out this Prezi that goes over Point of View.

Next, turn in the assignment from the Prezi (writing a short paragraph in 1st person, then rewriting in 3rd person limited, then rewriting in 3rd person omniscient).
(If you are doing this as a class, hand in your in-class hard copy. If you are doing this alone, you can upload this assignment in the same place as the other Point of View assignment.)

Then, check out the excerpts from books you might know and decide if they are being told in 1st person, 3rd person limited, or 3rd person omniscient. This is practice.

Finally, take a look at the first 5-10 pages of Speak and complete the assignment below. Upload it on the main page in the Elements of Fiction block.

If you just need a quick review, here's a short Google Presentation:
Modifié le: mardi, 21 juin 2011, 12:00