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Student ELO's
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Students need to be able to...

  1. read an informative passage and develop a viable research question related to the information
  2. identify examples of logical fallacies as being one of the types listed above
  3. read a passage and identify author purpose (entertain, persuade, inform)
  4. read a non-fiction passage and answer comprehension and inference questions about it
  5. make inferences about a source's credibility based on information given
  6. understand different ways to organize information in a composition and effects of organization choices
  7. identify qualities of different levels of formality
  8. read a passage and identify tone
  9. identify a thesis statement as being effective (in its wording and specificity) vs. ineffective/less effective
  10. be able to identify bias in given statements
  11. identify word choices within a passage that convey bias
  12. write and recognize an effective thesis