READ: File Operations


You have to admit, text1.txt is not a very good name for the text file you created. You should go back to the file operations assignment folder and name your original text1.txt file something else. I think "about me.txt" is a much better name.

To rename a file, you can just right-click on it and select "rename". When the name of the file is highlighted, you can rename the file by typing the new name. Hit the enter key when you are done, and you have renamed your file.

While you're at it, you might as well rename the copy you made as well. Go to your copies folder and rename the other text file to "copy of about me.txt".

**SCREENSHOT 4** Take a screenshot of your whole computer screen. I want to see a window open that is the folder "Copies" and inside, your re-named text file titled "copy of about me.txt". Circle this file in red with Jing.