What is a URL?
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A URL is an address of any electronic file (including those on the internet). Here is an example of a URL:
A URL is sometimes also called a web address when it refers to a website. However, a URL can be the address of any electronic file.
Internet URLs always have a domain name. The domain name is part of the URL, and is separated by a period. Here are the most common domain names and what they stand for:
- .com - commercial website
- .net - network
- .org - nonprofit organization
- .edu - educational institution
- .gov - government
- .mil - military
Why does it matter if you don't know who the author is?
Knowing who wrote the webpage can be useful and informative. A web page may be biased if it is written by someone with a high stake interest in it and/or an 'enemy.'
Example #1...
A website talks about how wonderful, attractive, and safe City X is. If that website is written by the main tourist hotel in City X, is it bias? Have they left out a higher than normal crime rate, the fact City X may only have 14 days with temps above 58 degrees, or only 1 restaurant in town?
Example #2...
A website talks about how great a teacher Professor Y is. Unfortunately it was all created and written by Professor Y. Another site talks about how horrible Professor Y is. Unfortunately it was created by a disgruntled student who failed a class taught by Professor Y.
What is the true nature of Professor Y, good or bad?
Source: http://ocw.usu.edu/Instructional_Technology/principles-and-practices-of-technology/web-site-evaluation.Creative Commons License
Last modified: Tuesday, June 21, 2011, 12:00 PM