Navigating through your  moodle courses

As stated in the video in the previous lesson, to get to your individual classes, you can click on the "My courses" links dropdown across the top, or the links on the right side of the screen.   So, if you want to go work on Algebra, click on your algebra class, and that class will pull up.

The following screencast will demonstrate how to go in to a class, and the different navigation and features within a class.

In the screencast you just watched, your instructor told you about your profile.   Everyone in moodle will be able to click on you and see your profile, so watch the following screencast about what your profile's function is and how you can make changes to it.   The screencast will also talk about a feature within the profile called "Activity Reports" so make sure you know what that is as well.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 June 2011, 12:00 PM