Weekly outline

  • General

    ResearchThe Crucible

    Research & The Crucible combines fundamental research skills with Arthur Miller's play. Most of the assignments not only give you a better understanding of The Crucible, but they will help increase your research skills.

    Link to MN State Standards and ISTE Standards

  • 17 February - 23 February

    Intro to diigo

    Our journey will start with a general overview of diigo and the completion of some introductory assignments. Diigo is an online tool that helps you bookmark, organize, and annotate (make notes) on webpages. It is something that you can utilize within this unit and throughout your life.

  • 24 February - 2 March


    An annotation is a critical note (or series of notes) that is added to a text. When you read a novel or a webpage, questions and comments come to your mind.
    • "Why does the ring have such a power over Frodo?"
    • "This paragraph totally contradicts the last one. Why?"
    • "What is the meaning of the title?"
    These examples may seem unimportant, but it is through engaging/interacting with a text that meaning is created. This section will help you to think about the importance of annotating.
  • 3 March - 9 March


    When looking at web pages and conducting research, a person needs to be aware of bias. Bias can take the form of a slight tendency to present information in a skewed way to a full-fledged prejudicial presentation of information. In these assignments, you'll learn how to recognize bias within sources of research.
  • 10 March - 16 March

    Research Project

    The culminating activity for this unit is self-selected research project. You have had exposure to many different topics within this unit--from themes within The Crucible to the allegorical significance of the play. Select a topic that you'd like to know more about. This will be the basis of your research project.